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Various & Sundry


Stop back here regularly to see what Gargle is saying, doing, looking at and listening to on the interwebs.

Gargle highly recommends this fascinating article for parents on the benefits of reading to your children. Enjoy!  

Check out this fun Prezi presentation that explains Gargle's aviation terms! (You can sign into Prezi for free.)

"The Last Word in Lonesome Is Me" (SONG)

"How Can I Miss You When You Won't Go Away?" (SONG)

Maurice Ravel's Mother Goose Suite, classical piano pieces written to be performed by children. Here are several brilliant animations of these beautiful musical scores.

Want to learn more about the Canada Goose? Gargle recommends this excellent reading material.


Antique photo of goose and donkey friends.

"Something Told the Wild Geese" (SONG)

This troubling song is on constant rotation in Gargle's gaggle. To humans, it is a cacophony of noise, but to gooses, it is like listening to a beautiful symphony.

Download and color a picture of a Canada Goose. Then post it on Gargle's Facebook page! 

How about a goosy online jigsaw puzzle?

Here's a paper craft that shows your love of Gargle.

Make a Canada goose out of paper hearts!

15 Foolproof Tips For Surviving a Canada Goose Attack.



"Fun and educational," says Gargle.


Gargle would never do this, but he knows some unfriendly gooses who would.


So cute it will hurt your eyes!


This is one of Gargle's distant relatives.

Love it or hate it, there's not much middle ground on foie gras. Learn more about this controversial delicacy.

Learn about the ancient mythical hero "Gilgamesh," considered the first great work of literature.

Sir Galahad was a Knight of King Arthur's Round Table, known for his gallantry and purity. He was one of three who succeeded in the Quest for the Holy Grail.

In Arthurian Legend, Guinevere (the "White Enchantress") was King Arthur's Queen. She had a love affair with Arthur's chief knight Sir Lancelot. She was said to be "bad when little, worse when great."

Gargle's older brother, Gulliver, is named after the title character in Jonathan Swift's hugely popular Gulliver's Travels, first published in 1726. This is one of Gargle's all-time favorite books!

Foxes are often seen as "Tricksters," ancient characters who show up in every culture to question the everyday ways people think about things. Tricksters are powerful figures who are capable of both good and bad, but are always up to some kind of mischief.

Dreamtime or The Dreaming are terms borrowed from Australian Aboriginal mythology that express the concepts of "time out of time" or "everywhen." It is inhabited by ancient heroes who travelled across the Australian continent creating "songlines" in their wide-ranging journeys.

Gargle hears echoes of his own story in a mythical concept called "The Hero's Journey," an idea common to many stories, movies, books and TV shows you're familiar with.

He encourages you to learn more about this fascinating myth.

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